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Defiantly Vs Definitely

Learn the Difference Between Definitely, Definitively, and Defiantly

The Importance of Using the Correct Word

Language is a powerful tool that we use to communicate our thoughts and ideas. It is important to use words correctly in order to be understood clearly. Three words that are often confused are definitely, definitively, and defiantly.


Definitely means without a doubt or certainly. It is an adverb that is used to emphasize the certainty of something. For example, you might say "I will definitely attend the meeting." This means that you are sure that you will attend the meeting.


Definitively means in a clear and definite manner. It is an adjective that is used to describe something that is certain or precise. For example, you might say "The report is definitively accurate." This means that the report is accurate without a doubt.


Defiantly means with daring or bold resistance to authority. It is an adverb that is used to describe someone who is challenging or resisting authority. For example, you might say "The protesters marched defiantly through the streets." This means that the protesters were boldly challenging the authorities.
