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Douglas Scores 11450 In Comeback Performance

Gabby Douglas Makes Triumphant Return to Elite Competition

Douglas Scores 114.50 in Comeback Performance

Three-Time Olympic Medalist Poised for 2024 Olympic Games

Gabby Douglas, the three-time Olympic medalist, made her long-awaited return to elite competition on May 17, 2024, at the American Classic.

In her first appearance since 2016, Douglas impressed with an 114.50 all-around score. Her performance included a 14.20 on the vault, a 13.50 on the uneven bars, a 14.40 on the balance beam, and a 14.40 on the floor exercise.

Douglas's return has sparked speculation about her potential for a comeback at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The 28-year-old gymnast has not yet confirmed her plans, but her recent performance suggests that she is ready to challenge for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team.
